Friday, September 30, 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Nearly three years ago, Scott and I spent 5 months apart during his army training. It was some of the most trying and scary moments of our relationship, but we were fortunate enough to make it through. The experience in turn brought us that much more closer.
I remember clearly one day in particular...

Scott was in Ft. Lee, Virginia, being trained as a unit supply specialist (92Yankee). I had been able to take a 3 day weekend from classes and drove up 8 hours to visit him. That Sunday I left about 11am after saying our goodbye's. I was sort of in a state of shock driving back. I had seen him once prior during the five month duration of training and it would be weeks before he would be coming home. It was a numbing feeling knowing I was driving away from him and everything would go back to normal. All the butterflies and emotions that came up that weekend were only a dream. I had left him and he seemed heartbroken. The look he had left of sadness.. Regardless I couldn't muster enough energy to call or text him. I thought I would break down. It happened. He texted me.

The text... Can we play I don't want to miss a thing by aerosmith as our first song?

It fit so perfect. Besides the first year, our entire relationship was based on long distance and precious time. We couldn't stand to be apart. He hadn't even proposed but we both knew at that point we would be together and that would be our song.

The song choice was not brought up again until just recently. We heard it on the radio several times, and though our circumstances of distance changed, we still felt something for the song.

Mid July we attended a good friend's wedding. Their first song caught both of our attention, Then by Brad Paisley. It was perfect.
We loved it and it fit. The other song became our song that grew with us - one that will be played at the wedding because of its meaning to us. But Then spoke to us about how we felt. Scott and I agreed not to do individual vows because we would be too emotional. Regardless, Then seemed to state exactly what we want.

The new task. Learn to Dance.

Here's the link to youtube if you want to listen!

Here's the lyrics:


I remember trying not to stare
The night that I first met you
You had me mezmorized
And three weeks later
In the front porch light
Taking 45 minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
I thought I loved you then

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I remember taking you back
To right where I first met you
You were so suprised
There were people around
But I didn't care
I got down on one knee right there
And once again
I thought I loved you then

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I can just see you
With a baby on the way
I can just see you
When your hair is turning grey
What I can't see
Is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
We'll look back someday
At this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then

And I thought I loved you then

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